Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hey Lebron: 2/3 = .666

With Lebron recently leaving Cleveland for Miami and changing his number from 23 to 6, it got me wondering about that number 23 again.

After all if you take 2/3 it equals .666. Which is the first thing I saw on eBay after Lebron joined the Heat, three jerseys side by side:

Which is the number of the beast in the Bible:

Revelation 18:13

"This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."

Lebron has turned into a quite a "beast" or monster himself from what Cleveland Talk Show Host Mike Trivisono and also Cavs owner Dan Gilbert have said. This begs the question though? Did Lebron make a deal with the devil?

OTHER NOTES: Revelation has 22 chapters, one short of 23. The verse 18:13...18+1+3=22 or 1+8+13=22, one short of 23.

Though many think of the mark of the beast in Revelation as the only reference to 666 in the Bible, there are actually 3 other passages with the number 666:

1 King 10:14 "The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents"

2 Chronicles 9:13 "The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents"

Ezra 2:13 "of Adonikam 666" (referring to different types of people in Israel)



SECOND VERSION AIRED ON MTV (No way to embed it)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why the Leopards Fail in the Playoffs

The Leopards lost to Marion-Franklin in the first round of football last year 14-7. #1 AP Poll Champions of Division II, yet we got upset first round in the last game at Louisville Stadium. How could this happen? Was it because the other team was better? Injuries? A Let-down?

Or was something else at work?

We also lost to DeSales in the Regional Championship. After beating Columbus Independence 60-24 in the first round (53-18 at the half) and Logan 7-0 in the second round. We choked against DeSales 38-21. DeSales was favorite in the game, but I was sure the Leopards had it in the bag, especially after dominating them in the 2007 regional final (19-0 at half, cruised to 25-20 victory).

Was there something else that was plaguing the Leopards?

While the Leopards did win against DeSales in 2007 to win the Region for the first time since 1992, by the score of 25-20 (25-2-0=23), the Leopards are stuck in the 00's decade with 23 wins. They couldn't win against DeSales in 2008 or against Marion-Franklin in 2009 to get their 24th playoff win.

2009 was the second time we were AP champions. The other time was 2002. In 2002, we lost to Olmstead Falls on a missed chip-shot field goal. I could be wrong, but there might have been 23 seconds left when he kicked it or when it was blocked, but anyways we lost the game 21-20. 21+2+0=23

We won the Region in 1992. Ending the Division 2 Semi Final game with a 48-7 loss to Fostoria. 4x8=32-2(DII)-7=23. I'm stretching it, but hey this is fun.

2004, I'll never forget getting knocked out of the playoffs 24-0 by Lake. I know its 24 not 23, but the game did happen to be on my birthday...11/12 (11+12=23).

23 has killed another one of my teams.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Akron Zips vs. Rhode Island Rams

Went to the Zips vs. Rhode Island game last night. We lost...but 23 was everywhere...quite literally:

Yep that's right...the entire dance team at Akron wear's #23 on their dance uniforms. These pictures were taken from last year, however they continue to wear them. You'd think their would be a reason. It's obviously not graduation year or anything like that. Nor is it our star player. #23 is worn by Brett McKnight, good player but not the best player by any means. They also wore these jerseys last year when clearly Nate Linhart was the best player. Ironically it was Brett McKnight who was having a terrible night. He got swatted several times and got the ball stolen from him a couple times as well, Brett's not usually like that just a bad night.

Oh yah...and the final score was 68-63 Rhode Island...6+8+6+3=23